Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weekly process - Part A drawings and model

The part of the building i selected least tutorial is changed by extending the left side, that the part will be the entire main front of the Villa Savoye. And the drawings are as shown.

The model i made in scale of 1:50 and the material i use is the white screen borad. Ther reason i select this part is because that this part contains almost 5 principles wich are the horizontal wintdow, the roof garden, free plan, free facade and the pilots. Also, the change of forms is another interesting element as the curve shape glass wall on the ground floor make a strong contrast to the rectangle cube on the first floor. Additonally, the Roof Garden is used for rfeturning the vegetation that occoupied by the building. And to condeisder the irregular shape of the roof garden is a sort of protection for the activeties acting on the roo floor as the people outside are not able to see what going on inside the roof garden. Also, the shape could stop the wind to flow across the roof garden.


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