For the final submission i bring all my works before to the presentation.
The part i select is the main frontof the Villa Savoye. the reason i secect it is that the the curve shape of the roof garden is interesting and also the roof garden is one of the important 5 points which are the principles of the architecture design.
The model i made in scale of 1:50 and the material i use is the white screen borad. Ther reason i select this part is because that this part contains almost 5 principles wich are the horizontal wintdow, the roof garden, free plan, free facade and the pilots. Also, the change of forms is another interesting element as the curve shape glass wall on the ground floor make a strong contrast to the rectangle cube on the first floor. Additonally, the Roof Garden is used for rfeturning the vegetation that occoupied by the building. And to condeisder the irregular shape of the roof garden is a sort of protection for the activeties acting on the roo floor as the people outside are not able to see what going on inside the roof garden. Also, the shape could stop the wind to flow across the roof garden.
Part to whole
Study 1
i just use Auto CAD to draw the whole plan of each floor and use grey backgrond to distingush the part i chooes to the whole.
Study 2
i make a model to show how this part( the main front of the Villa Savoye) relate to the wohle building, obviously, it is easy to see by the section view.
Study 3
For the third study, i draw a seris drawings to shwo what exactly people can see in the selected part and the rest part. Thus the relationship could be defined. I draw a sketch that in the position of the glass wall to show the interior living room and the terrace. In the ground floor, the part i choose is the main entrance of the building which contains a strong relationship of the whole building. and the first floor, the living room relates to the terrace by the huge glass wall and the views. And the roof floor, the roof garden is the top of the Villa, and it is an attractive piont of the builidng. (I do not know how to rotate the image, so the image would be in the wrong side)
Public and private space
Study 1
In terms of the public and privacy, firstly i consider about how to distingush the difference between them - function. Different spaces are used in different functions. To take the ground floor as an examlpe, there are the main hall, maid's bedroom, batroom, laundry and garage. Thus, bedroom and bathroom should be private, the main hall shoule be more public and the garage should be semi-public. However, i change my idea that the main hall is more public than badroom, but it still an internal space, so it should be a semi-public space. And the garage should not bu th public space because the door of garage should not keep openning for a long time that people would not walking around all the time.
Study 2
In terms of the public and private space, this model is directly showing how the space use in public or private by a three dimension view.
Study 3
For the public and private space, to make it more abstract, i made many simple objects which represent the different spaces in use, and these objects can be put together to form the entire building, also, the public and privacy for each level can be shown.
Study 1
And the pilots, simply i just draw by hand at first, to trace the pilots and analyse how the pilots are changed. then, i draw a CAD drawing to make it officially. Basically, the entire plan is divided by 16 equal square by the pilots. and the pilots are changed to fit the internal plan.
Study 2
The second study for pilots is showing in this model, i make this model by using the transparent plastic board, semo-transparent polypropene board and toothpick. By looking through the polypropene the arrangement of the pilots would be observed directly. And the transparent plastic can presents how the pilots stand inside the building.
Study 3
the third study is more specific, as the images shown, the pilots mainly have three types for example, the wall on the right hand side, the pilots are actually in-filled in the wall, but the those at the bottom are settled behind the wall. And for some of the internal walls, the pilots are arranged semi- in- filled the wall. Thus, based on these details, i made this model.
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